Tuesday (January 7): Popular Bollywood star Ajay Devgn on Tuesday said violence is not a solution to any problem and the Jawaharlal Nehru University attack is “very sad”.
The actor said he was not clear about what transpired inside the university campus on Sunday as news reports gave “conflicting” accounts.
“I have been watching the news since morning. It’s very conflicting. Till now, we don’t know who has done what. So till the time this is not clear, I don’t know how to comment. It is all very sad what’s happening,” Ajay told PTI in response to a question on his views on the JNU attack.
“Whoever is doing it, is wrong. Violence is not a solution to anything, it’s just harming our country. What is the agenda behind it, if you know, then please tell me because whatever there is in the news is not clear,” he added.
A masked mob armed with sticks and rods on Sunday attacked students and teachers and damaged property on the campus, injuring at least 35 people, including JNU Students’ Union president Aishe Ghosh.