Terrorist Attack Warning: South India on Alert

The warning comes weeks after intelligence agencies received inputs that Pakistani commandos were to enter into Indian waters through the area of Sir Creek in Gujarat.

Image : One India

Monday (September 9): Terrorists attack may happen in the Southern India, the Army has received intelligence inputs, a senior official said on Monday.

“We have got many inputs that there may be a terrorist attack in the southern part of India and peninsular India. There have been some abandoned boats also which have been recovered in the area of Sir Creek,” SK Saini, General Officer Commanding (GOC), Southern Command, as reported by ANI.

The police administration in Kerala has issued an alert to all district police chiefs, asking them to be vigilant.

The warning comes weeks after intelligence agencies received inputs that Pakistani commandos were to infiltrate into Indian waters through the Kutch area in Gujarat.

‘Adani Port and Logistics’ in Gujarat had last month issued a statement that “inputs had been received from coast guard station that Pakistani commandos are likely to infiltrate into Indian territory through Kutch area preferably via sea route to create communal disturbance or terrorist attack in Gujarat”.

Since India’s abrogation of Article 370, relations between the two neighbors have worsened. Pakistan has also downgraded trade ties with India and expelled the envoy.

Gujarat Coast on high security alert : Intelligence Bureau alarms possible attack by Pak Commandos


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